March 4, 2025
Safety Tips for Travelling in Belize

When you are travelling in Belize you will come across several places that will leave a person astonished. One of them is Belize Secret Beach Property where one can find real estate services. But here, we will guide you about some precautionary measures for not getting mugged.

1. Avoid Isolated Areas

If you are somewhere isolated, you will be at greater risk of being robbed, especially at night and in cities. Try to stay where the crowds are – this is the best way to avoid being flagged by potential muggers.

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

While sticking to where the crowds are can help you avoid muggings, you’ll also become a target for petty theft. Tourists are usually easy targets for pickpockets, so make sure your valuables are safe and out of reach when you’re in popular tourist areas.

3. Don’t Wear Flashy Items

Petty theft is the most common threat in Belize, so take off your jewellery or watch and don’t carry your phone around. Try to blend in as best you can to avoid being targeted by pickpockets. Most petty thefts are crimes of opportunity. Don’t give the opportunity. If you happen to be the victim of an armed robbery, follow the robber’s instructions and give up your valuables; these material items can be exchanged. Your life can’t. I learned this lesson the hard way in Colombia.

4. Don’t Leave your Belongings Unattended

If you’re spending the day at the beaches of the Placencia Peninsula, Hopkins Village or Caye Caulker, don’t leave your belongings unattended while swimming or walking on the sand, as locals and tourists can do this. easily rub your valuables. If you can, find friends at your hostel to go to the beach with so you can take turns watching each other’s stuff while you swim and relax.

Is Belize Safe? (2022 Safety Guide)

5. Avoid the Bus at Night

If you need to get somewhere at night, take a taxi. It will be safer than any public transport. Have your accommodation call a taxi so you can be sure you get a serious driver. Make sure you get into a taxi with a green license plate as these indicate authorized taxis. If you are a solo traveller, make sure you travel with other people at night.

6. Be Careful of Public Transport

If you must take public transport, keep your valuables with you and well secured, especially on chicken buses. Theft is common on night buses, so avoid them if you can. The buses are also usually not on time and sometimes extremely slow, crowded, or both. Be prepared for the experience.

7. Don’t Take Drugs

The cartels in Belize have made life very difficult for the local population. Don’t support them by buying their products. Drug penalties are also harsh in the region and you don’t want to end up in jail. Skip the drugs.